Creating an Emotionally Safe Classroom
I’m curious how many teachers have reflected not on the external vision of the classroom but the internal vision. “How can I make my classroom safe this year?”. I don’t mean physical safety but emotional safety.
How can teachers create an emotional safe classroom?

Play Therapists: To post or not to post on Social Media?
This blog is about the ethical practice of posting client work (especially child therapy “work”) on social media

How to help your child start school
It’s that time of year when there are graduation ceremonies for ending kindy or daycare. It’s time for your child to start school.

COVID-19 and Play
The trauma of the Coronavirus has completely changed our lives. It is important to schedule a balance of together play and time-apart play.

The importance of Play and Play Therapy
Children use play as a natural form of communication in everyday life, so it makes sense that Play Therapy is used to help children between 3-12 years of age.

The definition of validation is a recognition that a person or their feelings are valid and worthwhile.

The Iceberg Analogy
The iceberg is a wonderful analogy to understand children’s behaviour and the reasons behind the behaviour.

Back To School - How to ease the transition for your child
The end of the summer and the return to school is a big transition. I wonder have I prepared my daughter enough for this transition?

How to look after yourself during the Holiday Period
The holiday season is nearly here, and for some people this means fun, joy and laughter. For others though, the holiday season can magnify feelings of stress, anxiety, loneliness and grief.

Marriage Counselling
Marriage Counselling - It’s the little things often that bring connection